Over 1 Million wildlife-vehicle collisions each year.
Total annual cost of these collisions is over $8.3 Billion!
2018 State Farm & Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology

Watch for Wildlife is a local and global wildlife-vehicle collision prevention campaign.
Numerous organizations across the United States are joining efforts in response to a highly recognized need, which includes:
1) greater awareness about wildlife-vehicle collision prevention, and 2) increasing safety on our roads for both wildlife and people.

To save millions of lives across the country by reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions.
We increase safety on roads by educating drivers on ways to prevent collisions with wildlife, provide vehicle-collision mitigation measures, and support research by encouraging wildlife-vehicle collision reporting.

Every individual makes a significant life-saving difference! We invite you to:
Attach your WATCH FOR WILDLIFE vinyl to the back window of your vehicle to immediately help save wildlife and human lives on roads.
Become an WATCH FOR WILDLIFE Ambassador.

The Watch for Wildlife alliance is composed of wildlife rescue organizations across the United States. These organizations joined efforts to protect wildlife and people by reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions. By collaborating on this effort, we are able to raise greater awareness about wildlife-vehicle prevention, and increasing safety on our roads for both wildlife and people.
Some of the participating organizations are highlighted below.
A special thank you to Dr. Graham Reynolds for donating the watchforwildlife.org domain and helping lead the wildlife-vehicle collision prevention effort, as the Watch For Wildlife Director- North Carolina.

Dr. Reynolds is an Assistant Professor of Biology at UNC Asheville and a National Geographic Explorer.
He has co-authored two books on regional wildlife, volunteers with global wildlife conservation organizations, and is Founder of the Silver Boa Trust. Much of his research is on endangered reptiles in the Caribbean.
More information at: www.CaribbeanBoas.org.